Nearly a year ago, one of the weirdest crimes in history happened. A 22-year old woman went to prison for 2 years because she cut off her hand with a saw. Why? It was all because she wanted to make an insurance claim that wasn't true.
At a very young age, the Slovenian court decided to sentence a 22-year-old young female who randomly just cut off her hand to illegally make an insurance claim.
The weirdest part about this is that she agreed with her boyfriend to cut off her hand in order to make this illegal claim. She had signed multiple contracts with insurance companies and managed to collect 1 million euros from them. She paid half of them off and said that she would pay the rest on a monthly basis.
The girl claimed that her hand was cut off unintentionally and that it happened while she was cutting branches. Police said different since, after their suspecting, they found out that her boyfriend had been searching for how artificial hands work.
The judge claimed that this sentence was fair, not only sentencing the young girl, but also her boyfriend to three years and her father to a one-year suspense.
This case definitely raised too many eyebrows, making people a bit shocked and not understanding how it happened.
If this isn't the weirdest crime ever committed, it definitely will be remembered in history as very rare!
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